The start of something new..

(3)imageLet’s take you back to how it all started…..

(1) 1969, the birth of an era. Started when ARPAnet made a semi-successful “node-to-node” message. Only a partial message was sent, “L.O.” were the only two letters of “LOGIN” to make it across. This was most definitely not the end, but the push to reach new heights. 1969 ended with four computers being connected to the growing network. The next year was nothing but growth and improvement, leading to Vinton Cerf’s theory of “mini-networks” enabling worldwide communication.

(2) 1992 was the year that the first browser came about. Tim Berners-Lee created “libwww” as a doorway for other developers to build browsers. Soon after programmers from all over were downloading the package, creating their own browsers, expanding to different platforms. This led to the creation of the second browser, “The Line Mode Browser.” Nicola Pellow made this browser to be simple and easy. It was easy to manipulate (hack) which made it used for various purposes.




Do you hear me now?

(1) We communicate with each other in different ways. Social network is one of the strongest forms of communication. It is not always good, but it is a way to send a message to someone specific, a group of people, or to anyone with internet access. You can share things with the world, or to someone directly like a text message. On a more professional side, emails are a way to send files and individual or group messages in a more formal matter. Today’s youth doesn’t use them unless they’re waiting to hear back from a job or school. Businesses use emails to communicate with others in a workplace. Wikis and blogs are similar to social media because it speaks to a greater audience. They are found everywhere on the web, and can be found for just about anything. Webcasts and podcasts are a more personal form of radio. It is like an audio blog where the host talks about a certain subject that is broadcasted.  Streaming media can come in handy when you want to watch something but are away from your tv. It is a way to watch a broadcasted event or show while away from home. It makes it convent to catch up on shows, events, or even a video on Youtube. All are used to share thoughts and/or send messages.

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The online marketplace…

(1) E-commerce and M-commerce are ways of making purchases through online stores. It is used to buy things that you can’t find or buy in you area. A convent way to buy goods without leaving home. E-commerce is when you make an online purchase on a computer. M-commerce is when you make an online purchase on a mobile device either on the web or through an app.

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